Alte proiecte in lucru ale Societatii Muzicale deschise catre parteneriate

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Expozitie de arta fotografica

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Expozitie de arta fotografica

Spatiu: neoBhoema Art & Social Lab, Palatul Universul,

Data: Sambata si duminica 8 – 9 decembrie 2018, orele 15-21


  • Design styling: Adreea Bădală
  • Fotografie: Dani Ghercă
  • Video & posing: Oana Tudoran
  • MakeUp: Mihaela Cherciu

This is an unconventional exhibition of a leading photographer of the contemporary art scene and an internationally distinguished fashion designer, namely Dani Gherca and Andreea Badala. It is the first in a series called Imaginary Beyond Reality, built to encourage collaborative and experimental actions between visual artists and fashion designers. This kind of working will lead to new productions. Not to goods, but to ideas, all hosted by our neoBohema Art & Social Lab, which is a bridge linking the corporate and the art worlds, two of the most influential forces shaping our society today.

neoBhoema’s mission is a straightforward one: to create things of enduring value and to bring to life enticing experiences into the everyday life of employees, art aficionados and to the large urban audience as a whole. This cultural platform enables the free flow and the exchange of creative and organizational resources of businessmen, professionals and entrepreneurs on one hand and artists, performers and content creators on the other. It is the melting pot that gives birth to live events, art shows, published books and all sorts of experiments that allow the beautiful, aesthetic and genuine to be embedded in the mundane everyday life.

Imaginary Beyond Reality

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